Report a Vulnerability

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Contact Vendor First

Before submitting a vulnerability report, try to contact the vendor directly. This can expedite remediation and may be required for prioritization.

Vulnerability disclosure policy and guidance

We recommend reading our vulnerability disclosure policy and guidance before submitting a vulnerability report. We send information provided in vulnerability reports to affected vendors.

Provide Detailed Information

Include technical details, proof of concept, and product versions in your report. Clear, specific information helps prioritize and resolve the vulnerability faster.

Indicate Public Disclosure Plans

If you plan to disclose the vulnerability publicly, outline your timeline and intentions. This allows for coordinated disclosure and responsible management of the information.
Report Vulnerabilities
Please enter a description of the vulnerability
Please choose the best category that applies to your vulnerability
Please choose the best sub category that applies to your vulnerability
A clear, logical explanation helps us validate your vulnerability quickly and to notify you of the result. We encourage you to upload screenshots or other media to support your submission.
Select the specific location of the vulnerability.
Suggestions for fixing the vulnerability
What does the vulnerability allow an attacker to accomplish? Please be specific about how the vulnerability impacts the business.

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Vulnerabilities were disclosed globally at 2023 , marking an increase from previous years
Vulnerabilities disclosed each year have available patches or updates
Entities in the EU impacted by NIS2 cybersecurity compliance regulations